Craig Jacobs, a friend and follower of the page mentioned that we should probably post some Hi-res mobile wallpapers of the GR and GTi. So here you go, guys! Please feel free to use these as you wish!
This is my shot of the day. We managed to get the light just right, thanks to the man upstairs so the city was perfectly backlit for our subjects. This all happened at around sunrise.
As the sun peaked Simon Luckhoff grabbed this shot. It’s so cool to see people’s reactions to these cars, and even though our spot was pretty secluded, the bus drivers and locals that passed definitely had a favourite between these two. Shout out to the lady who stopped to take pictures!
Yaris is a polarizing car, and it should be. Because it isn’t all things to all men, unlike the GTi.This is what the Golf GTi is all about, although some say it’s gone a little soft compared to the competition. I’m hoping the Clubsport version arrives in SA soon. The previous Clubsport is still my all-time favourite hatch.
What do you prefer? Clean-shaven, or a cool thick beard?
The GTi was my test car so I had to take it home with me, but given the choice, it would have been a tough one…
For my opinion on the comparison between these two, check out the story here: